So here I am. Still trying to get it all under control. Right now, I'm procrastinating to the max. I should be busily planning and preparing for my Literature SAC tomorrow, but instead here I am, writing a fairly pointless blog and following the incredibly immature but also incredibly amsuing Facebook fight. Oh well, I guess you get that. After this week is over I will be so happy. All of my school assessed courseworks will be over! forever! woohoo. But that also means that the dreaded end of year exams are looming closer and closer. These holidays will be study, study, study. But thats okay. I just need to learn to not stress as much as I tend to do and come November 10, my last exam will be over and I will be officially finished my school years. Heres to that.
Listening to- Poison In Your Mind- Powderfinger. Only one of my most favourtie songs ever...