Friday, December 31, 2010

Dear 2010,

What can I say to you? You definitely took me on a rollercoaster ride. Up and down, constantly.
There were the good times and the bad. You saw me take a massive step to try and change some things, you saw when that didn't turn out so well. You saw my best, most fun and favourite year at school, you saw me graduate and recieve the marks that reflected the work I put in. You saw my darling nieces and nehpews grow up so quickly, with one of my beautiful girls graduating from kinder ready to start school next year. You saw me alot grow closer to some people, grow apart from others. You saw me discovering myself- finding who I am, what I love and what I aspire to be. You saw me become that little less shy. You brought heartache, sadness, joy and many shocks, as well as countless moments that just took my breath away. At times you simply flew by, and at times time seemed to go extra slow. I know that I'm going to miss you alot, but I'm all too excited for what the future will hold.

Thankyou for it all.

Love, Emily


  1. this person must be really special to you!

  2. Happy New Year dear, I hope 2011 brings much happiness and adventure to you.

    xx and hugs

