Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Soon it unfolds who we are, in this masquerade of stars..

In the need of some inspiration. Both to keep, and to pass along to somebody else who needs it.
I feel like such a hypocrite, giving advice against the very things I do myself. But what else could I do?

It's all about being broken, and then picking up all the pieces and doing whatever we can to make them fit together again. But sometimes it isn't enough.
I'm seeing this more than ever. All I can do is try to help.

It's only 18 day until Christmas. This is making me happy.
It's only 6 days until we get our results. This is not.


  1. it's always good to let your emotions out. we are all humans, and we make mistakes.

    i love the headband. very pretty on you!

  2. we can save others, but not ourselves.
